Alternative Investments
Are you tired of Volatility in your investment portfolio?
It might be time to seek Alternative Investments in your investment portfolio!
Many investors have not been informed that there is another way to invest their hard-earned dollars without having to stomach the massive swings that take place in the stock market. Alternative Investments can help lower the volatility in a customized portfolio without having to sacrifice yield.
What are Alternative Investments? Alternative Investments include private equity, hedge funds, real estate, managed credit, commodities, and derivative contracts. Here at RMH, we look for attractive investments in the Alternative space with the top managers in the industry with at least a 4 to 7 percent total return.
RMH has a strong methodology when it comes to the Alternative Investment space. That methodology pays dividends when there is massive volatility. In the chart below, it shows that Endowments and Pensions also share that same methodology when it comes to allocating to Alternative Investments and it is very clear that individual investors are being left out! That is something RMH wants to change.

Source: Global Pension Asset Study 2016, Willis Towers Watson; National Association of College and University Business Officers 2016 (Equal-weighted Average); Money Management Institute, “Distribution of Alternative Investments through Wirehouses,” 2016
All investments do have risk involved, at RMH our purpose is to mitigate that risk. Our team of investment professionals will work closely with you and provide experience. With over 45 years of combined experience, RMH has the tools and resources to navigate the financial markets, with your goals in mind. If you are seeking lower volatility in your investment portfolio, please reach out to RMH, all of our information is below.